Tuesday, June 14, 2005

More Remarks On Unremarkable Animals

Another rainy night and the dumb flutter bugs came back again, but the geckos didn’t come to my rescue this time. Instead it was Marc who did the killing with an electric bug-zapping racket. I prefer the geckos because they don’t leave the carcasses lying around on the ground.

When I went into our office’s decommissioned bathroom-cum-recycling room, I saw a gecko on the wall and got my camera out and snapped a picture before it scurried up the wall to the window frame and out of sight.

The only other gecko I’ve seen in the past few weeks is a dead one that crawled into a sign and died there. The sign is beside the front gate of my school. The little lizard’s body has withered so that you can see what appears to be it’s little ribs. I took a picture of it, which looks kind of cool. Some flowers that are in front of the sign are reflected on the plastic pane forming a death wreath around the corpse. It is a little disgusting of course, so I’ve placed it below this post with a warning, so don’t look if you don’t think you’d like to see the desiccated corpse of a formerly cute lizard.

I see a lot of frogs on the road to my apartment, but unfortunately, few of them are alive and three-dimensional. Which is to say that road is pockmarked with Tom-the-Toads who didn’t make it across. Every week there is at least one fresh squashing, and because I walk up and down this road every day, I get to see the frogs devolve from positively disgusting exploded amphibians to a leathery mat to a mere grey blotch.

I will spare you the gore and just show you a happy guy sitting on the side of the road, perhaps contemplating his chances of making it to the other side.

pretom toad


At Tuesday, June 21, 2005, Blogger "Dat Wascally Wabbit" said...

Here toady, here toady!!


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